Recently, read a post on a blog that someone mentioned that I should be careful because John Frenaye was looking to shut down my YTB Travel business... HARD. After I read the post, I posted my comments reflecting that I was trusting God for my business, and that God is the only one who can build it as well as tear it down. Wow! After I posted those comments, the backlash began, especially from someone called TravelLisa! I seem to have that affect on some people. Anyway, several people started ridiculing my comments. They started asking me whether God was in my downline. They wanted to know why I was pushing God down people's throats because, in their opinions, God had no place in my business.
They went on to tell me that "religion" is a private matter and that I am "wrong" to talk about God as it relates to a conversation about my business. Well, I want to make it known that I adamantly disagree. First, I don't practice a religion. I have a relationship, and when I talk about God, I am talking about that relationship. You see, without God, I nor my business would matter. In my life, God holds not only first place, but every place. God is my reason for being. If there were no God, I wouldn't have a reason to get up in the morning. You see, Jesus Christ is not only my Lord... the Master, the Director and the Ruler of my life, but Jesus Christ, God manifested in the Flesh, is also my SAVIOR. That means, He SAVED me. He kept me from falling. He restored my soul, and indeed... He IS my life!
Before I met Christ, I was headed down a path of destruction. I lived recklessly and without regard for my life or for the lives of others. I am so grateful and thankful to God for saving me. And to be frank with you, one of the things that I love MOST about YTB Travel is the place that God has, not only in my life, but also in the lives of so many who join this business.
At last year's YTB Travel Network Convention, Coach J. Lloyd Tomer, during the Sunday service, made a statement about there being an anointing on YTB. Coach said that the people who join YTB do so because God draws them to the business. I believ that. My husband and I pray regularly for our business, our business partners and for YTB as a whole. We didn't want to be a part of anything that God wasn't involved with, and we don't want to be linked with people as business partners who God does not join to us. In other words, God's will is ALL that we desire in our YTB Travel business. For us, it's not about how much money we have, how many people we recruit or even how much travel we sell. For us, it is about our being in the center of God's will concerning our lives as we work this business.
Once when I was praying with a young man about YTB Travel, the Lord gave me a revelation that he will make many people wealthy in YTB Travel, but not so that we will just have more money to buy more stuff. God desires to make His people wealthy so that we can attest to His goodness and tell others... both rich and poor... our testimony. If we are also wealthy, we can more easily get an audience with wealthy people to tell them about the Lord. And what about the people who are poor, we can share with them also about what God has done for us... and will also do for them if they trust Him and follow His lead.
One of the comments that I posted on that blog where "TravelLisa" criticized my referencing God was that, in a world where everybody, without regard for God or God's laws, feels so free to flaunt their beliefs: gays and lesbians freely parade their sexual orientation, some people freely smoke, drink, curse, commit adultery and fornicate, politicians openly admit to committing all kinds of fraud, pornography reigns supreme nearly everywhere you look... In a society like this, if anybody should feel free mentioning anything, the believers of Jesus Christ, people who have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus, should surely feel free to openly, in any setting and at all times... proclaim the goodness, the honor, the adoration and the high esteem that we have for God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
So... what place should God have in your YTB Travel Business? Well, when it comes to other people, I am hesitant to use the term "should", but what I can say... at least for myself and for all who claim to be Christians, I believe that God should be front and center. God is both the Alpha and the Omega... the beginning and the end.... the first and the last. There is NO PLACE that God should not have in your YTB Travel Business.
And as my 18 month old would say with exuberance: AMEN!
Regina Osei is a successful mentor and coach who teaches her YTB Team members and other business owners how to succeed in business and how to market their businesses using diverse strategies and approaches both online and offline. If you are interested in starting your own online travel business and want the benefit of a mentor who is committed to your success, join our team today at http://regina.vacationmedia.net. If you have questions, e-mail me at: reginaosei@gmail.com or call 901-221-1630(1)
Thanks you so much for this post. Very refreshing!
Walter, I was inspired by your blog! So... Thank YOU!
God Bless you Regina! I pray that God continues to Bless you on in every area in your life!
Misty Kimble
Did you ever confirm if YTB did actually purchase American Destinations?
Hi Walter, The last word that I was given from our Legal department is that YTB and ADI are having discussions and that when negotiations have been finalized, a press release will go out. I wrote about it in my May 8, 2008 posting. I'll be one of the first to post it as soon as I get the word! I think that J. Kim Sorensen and Jeanie Sharpless might have jumped the gun. As I understand it, Legal has had the audio clip announcing the acquisition removed from the YTB back office, which is good because we -- RTAs -- were getting mixed messages.
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