The WORD that there would be a big announcement made to YTB Travel RTAs, following the mandatory Director's Meeting that was held in YTB's Corporate Headquarters today, quickly got out. YTB Travel RTAs (and others) have been scurring to Google "YTB News" or "YTB Announcements" for today's date, May 29, 2008, in order to find out what this all important news is. Well there was a lot discussed in the meeting. In fact, I am told that nearly 30 YTB Travel RTAs were promoted to Director today by Coach Tomer, some, simply because they were "close" to reaching the qualifying numbers and although they were not 100% there, they cared enough to attend the meeting! I'm sure this was a wonderful, welcomed surprise for them. There were other announcements made, but some of the major points made are outlined below. Read here for YTB News, Hot Off The Press!
• $50 Bonus - To ensure that there is no confusion about the $49.95 fee that RTAs pay for website hosting and maintenance, after an RTA personally sponsors six (6) other RTAs, as long as those RTAs remain active, the sponsoring RTA will receive a monthly $50 bonus. Now, what's the difference? The primary difference is in the language used. We no longer say that "the $49.95 monthly fee will be reimbursed" because we want to make it clear that the monthly maintenance fee will still need to be paid monthly.
• 10% Override – YTB Travel RTAs no longer need to become Certified by attending a YTB CRTA class before being able to receive the 10% override in their PowerTeams. Now the 10% override will be paid automatically based on travel booked by the people in their PowerTeams.
• 50% Match - YTB Travel REPS now qualify the same as YTB Travel RTAs for the 50% match. In the past, before a person who was a YTB REP could qualify for the 50% match, they would have to personally sponsor four (4) RTAs instead of three (3) because they (themselves), were not an RTA. Now, YTB Travel REPS will qualify for the 50% match simply by sponsoring three(3) RTAs.
• Absolutely No Solicitation. - YTB Travel RTAs are strongly admonished not to solicit for their businesses on Fam Trips or any other trips that are taken as part of YTB Travel. To do so is strongly frowned on in YTB Travel and in the travel industry as a whole. In other words, YTB Travel RTAs are admonished to never use FAM Trips, Cruises or any trip where they received travel insider benefits, to advertise or recruit their business. If it is discovered that a YTB Travel RTA or REP is guilty of this behavior, they will be in jepardy of losing and being permanently barred from the YTB Travel business.
• Obsolete Websites. - YTB Travel will be unveiling a brand new website after the 2008 Convention, and the word on the street is that after this unveil, EVERY OTHER YTB WEBSITE will be obsolete. How this will be implemented, I haven't a clue, but I'm sure that YTB is trying to ensure standardization and professionalism with this change.
There were many other things discussed during the meeting that will be shared over time by YTB Directors, about the vision and goals for the Company and the YTB RTAs and REPs. Keep your eyes and ears posted HERE for the latest YTB Travel News - Hot Off The Press!
Regina Osei is a successful mentor and coach who teaches her YTB Team members and other business owners how to succeed in business and how to market their businesses using diverse strategies and approaches both online and offline. If you are interested in starting your own online travel business and want the benefit of a mentor who is committed to your success, join our team today at http://regina.vacationmedia.net. If you have questions, e-mail me at: reginaosei@gmail.com or call 901-221-1630(1)
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