Tonight as I did some research on YTB Travel, I ran across a few websites where -- once again -- the question about whether or not the YTB Travel Agency is a scam or a legitimate business or not is at issue. This issue about YTB Travel being a SCAM never ceases to surprise me. Scam.com has logged in pages and pages of people in other travel companies and other MLM companies debating this issue. The irony is that, it doesn't take rocket science to see that this is really a ridiculous issue. Just think about it: YTB is in partnership with some of the biggest names in the business: Travelocity, Carnival Cruise Lines, Hotels.com, Hertz Rental Cars, and on and on. To top it off, just the other day, YTB International launched a partnership with the Kansas City Chiefs. Now, how could ALL of these huge corporate businesses, with all the legal representation they have onboard to advise them, completely miss the fact that the company they are doing business with is a SCAM? This boggles the mind!
What about the Direct Selling Association? This organization prides itself in intricately scrutinizing their membership, to ensure that their members are not pyramids, schemes, scams or any type of illegal or illegitimate business. Before the DSA would approve the application of the YTB Travel Network, they looked long and hard at YTB for a solid year. With a full 365 days to study the details of the company's financials, comp plan, policies and procedures, IF YTB is a SCAM, don't you think this would have been discovered? I mean, the DSA does this type of research everyday, so they KNOW what to look for. I would think that if YTB was a scam, they would have sniffed out that information within the first six months, let alone a year.
YTB has many other highly respected companies to give their endorsement and the proverbial "thumbs up" to YTB Travel for a job well done. For the third year in a row, YTB received the prestigious Carnival Cruiseline Pinnacle Award. Travel Weekly magazine included YTB in its Power List 2007 as one of the top 35 travel agencies worldwide and one of the top 11 leisure travel agencies. In November, 2007, Travel Weekly named YTB Travel Network CEO, J. Kim Sorensen, to its list of the 33 most influential people in the travel industry.
Why this question continues to crop up, I have no idea. It could be because YTB is a leader in the travel industry and last year more than doubled their Referring Travel Agents to over 130,000. Very soon YTB Travel will be the largest online travel agency worldwide. YTB's Referring Travel Agents booked over $400,000,000 in travel in 2007. With these factors and the overall exponential growth that YTB has been experiencing, it is understood that many, including traditional travel agents and other MLM travel companies, will continue to infer that YTB is a scam. The only problem is that YTB is not a scam. The truth is that YTB is a legitimate business that gives ordinary people extraordinary opportunities to own their own thriving travel business, and a piece of that great American pie.
YTB Travel helps make the American Dream a reality for hundreds of thousands of people everyday. People who have never dreamed that they could retire in their 30's or 40's have been able to do so in YTB. People in their 50's and 60's who once lived paycheck to paycheck, now earn six figure residual incomes, thanks to YTB.
YTB Travel is a phenomenal business and opportunity that allows everybody to win. We have the best comp plan that anyone has ever seen in a network marketing business. Will some people join YTB Travel and utterly fail at making any money? By all means. Why? In most cases, it's because they are either unwilling to treat their business like a business. I we will do what others do, we can have what others have. The problem is that most people are lazy. They have a lottery, "get-rich-quick" mentality, and don't expect to work in order to earn the big bucks.
The YTB Travel Agency is absolutely not a SCAM. It is a legitimate business that offers phenomenal opportunities for SUCCESS. If you need a Plan B, contact us. If you are ready to find out for yourself how the YTB Travel Network can change your life and help you attain the wealth you desire, contact us. We are looking for people who want to WIN, and are willing to be coachable and teachable to do so. I look forward to hearing from you! We are looking for leaders to open up new venues for YTB Travel. Are you the one we're looking for? If you believe you are, give us a call.
Regina Osei is a successful mentor and coach who teaches her YTB Team members and other business owners how to succeed in business and how to market their businesses using diverse strategies and approaches both online and offline. If you are interested in starting your own online travel business and want the benefit of a mentor who is committed to your success, join our team today at http://regina.vacationmedia.net. If you have questions, e-mail me at: reginaosei@gmail.com or call 901-221-1630(1)
YTB did NOT sell $400,000 it was $400,000, 000
Just a point of order...
While by definition it might not be a scam it is not designed to be a success for most. The vast majority of people in YTB (rep or RTA) do not earn any money.
Yes the opportunity is there, but the reality is that the vast majority (well over 90%) will fail.
Hi! Thanks for the correction! That was a very BIG mistake. I appreciate it so much.
Now what in YTB's "design" is not condusive for most to be successful? I ask this because, YTB offers:
1. Magazine program with a $6000 success guarantee. WHY? Because they know that IF anyone follows the magazine program as designed, they WILL be successful and earn a whole lot more than $6000 in a 12 month period.
2. Several very easy to follow systems that include: the magazine program, travel parties, weekly opportunity meetings in most areas, Red Carpet Events, Founder's Tours, CRTA trainings, Funshine, YTB Travel Training University, Conference Calls, Circle of Champions DVD and on and on and on.
There are more tools, tips and strategies THAT WORK in building your business, that if people are really serious and really follow the system,there is no reason they cannot do well. We have training on how to reach your warm market, your cold market, your referral market... you name it!
I don't think that there is anything about how YTB is structured or designed that makes for people's failure. People fail because: 1. They do not PLAN to succeed. Many somehow just think it's going to happen by osmosis, and when it doesn't they blame YTB. The truth is that maybe they weren't cut out for entrepreneurship. Maybe they aren't true business people and they aren't business minded. Maybe they treat their business like it's a hobby.
I know in our team, we have, from the beginning provided an uncanny amount of support ranging from trainings in my home, watching videos and listening to audios of master network marketers, i've bought and given teammembers books, given out reading lists, hosted my own weekly training conference calls, provided untold resources... What do many do with all this? NOTHING. So is it YTB's fault that they are not succeeding? No. It's their fault that they would rather do nothing and complain than work and build a viable business that will pay them an incredible income.
WHat you post are all additional costs to the Rep or RTA which is additional income to YTB. If I buy the magazine program that guarantees $6000 in 6 months, I likely will make "some" money, but I will also have more significant costs associated with making the money--attendance at the recruiting meetings, Funshines, Red Carpets Travel Parties and so forth.
What I woudl like to know--and I realize that the tools are there to succeed---is why are so many failing? I don't want to know about the success stories. I was not in the top of my class i nhigh school, so I know I will fall somewhere below that.
When it seems YTB has very little middle ground, it is frightening.
If you have 100 kids in a class and 10 of them earn an A and the rest earn an F, Statistically the "average (depending on the if you use the mean, median or mode to publicize)will be significantly higher than the grades received by 95 of those kids.
If a school had a 95% failure rate, people woudl be demanding that they curriculum be changed. I don;t see it in YTB. Those that are succeeding arte at the top---they have been in it from the beginning--they are friends of Coach, etc.
What amazes me is that there are so many (hundreds of thousands) that are not making money--YTB says that...yet they will swear to the death that they are rolling in the dough.
WHy is that? What is the hold the company has on these folks. Just one last glimmer of hope in a tanking economy?
This is a conversation that I would absolutely love to have with you. If you want to talk, feel free to call me: 901-221-1630 or 1631. It's difficult going into the necessary detail in a comment, but I'll try.
There are many people in YTB, not only Coach's friends, who are doing exceptionally well in YTB. There are also a lot of people who may not be at the point of leaving their primary source of income, but YTB provides them a very worthy supplement.
Still, although this is true, you have so many people who join YTB as REPS (meaning they join free as marketing representatives)or as RTAS (meaning they own the travel business) and yet, many of these same people -- for reasons of their own --- just do absolutely nothing with either. Is this YTB's fault? Absolutely not. It's not that they can't. Is is that they don't. And because YTB has no timelines or quotas, etc. they can choose not to do anything, and they are not penalized.
YTB -- again -- is a business. It is not a get rich quick scheme. Can you get rich in YTB? Yes you can, beyond your wildest dreams, but whether you will or not is dependent solely on you. Keep in mind that most businesses fail within the first five years. These are businesses where in most cases the people have invested a whole lot more for their business than you invest in YTB. These are businesses where the overhead is a lot more than $50 a month. These may even be businesses where the people thought through and wrote out a complete business plan. In YTB, most people don't do that. They join... without giving any forethought to managing or marketing a business. They don't listen to calls. They won't attend meetings. The don't put together and market trips. All they do is get business cards and pass them out. Yet, they expect to make money. Well, it takes more than that to make money in most any business, and certainly, in YTB, it is no different.
YTB has a loyal following of people, I believe, because of the leadership we have in Coach Lloyd Tomer. Coach is committed to YTB on so many levels. He's highly respected, greatly admired and supremely loved. His leadership makes the difference in YTB and why, even people who are not making the money they'd like, are so loyal. Plus, Coach is a master network marketer and trainer. He pours his intuitive skills into all of us, and he is committed to our success.
I just hung up the phone with a friend who is in YTB and isn't making any money. But as she said out of her own mouth, it isn't YTB's fault. It's because she isn't doing anything with her business. She said she was committed to getting back on the ball with her business.
You mentioned that the marketing materials and tools I mentioned cost money. Have you ever known of any business that didn't? I don't know if you've ever been in business for yourself or not, but I have. I had a concierge service with a business partner. We thought that this would be the easiest, least expensive business to own because we could work out of our homes and our overhead was low. Still, in order to build up our clientel, we needed to advertise, and advertising is expensive. Then, because we had incorporated, the annual fees were expensive. The phone bill was expensive. Pretty soon, the expenses were more than the clients we had, so we had to close our business. Probably the fact that it is so inexpensive to get a YTB business, is part of the reason that so many people in the business do nothing with it. We tend to value what costs us a lot of money. If we paid $50,000 for a brick and mortar franchise, we would value it more and follow the system laid out by the franchise owners to have a successful business. The people who see YTB in this way, tend to be far more successful.
In YTB, I think that one mistake we make is by bringing people into our business who like to travel. Liking to travel and owning your own travel agency are two completely different things. Just because I like to eat hamburgers does not mean I would be any good owning a McDonalds. That takes a completely different mindset and skillset.
YTB is one of the easiest businesses anyone can have because it is a turnkey operation. You have such a great team of people in place who are always ready to provide support, information and resources. But even with all that, it is a business and if you don't work it like a business, you will not make any money.
Beyond all that, for people who want to work the network marketing side of the business, they need to understand that network marketing is a learned skill. Most people do not want to invest in themselves to get the education required to become master networkers. Network marketing is all about helping others. Most people are in it for what they can GET out of it, not for what they can GIVE to others.
There is so much in my heart about this. I'll probably write an article about it soon.
I hope this helps to shed some light on your questions.
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