Tonight as I listened to Team Vision's Sunday night conference call, I was awed by the phenomenal testimonies about people who became Level 1 Directors after only 11 months of being in YTB, of people who worked the business one day a week for two hours and earned TWO $10,000 bonuses. As I listened, I could feel my pulse quickening and my heart racing, as my thoughts darted through my mind. What would I do tomorrow, the next day or the next, to ensure my family's success in the YTB Travel Network? Was success as simple and easy as those on the call made it sound? If it is, why do so many fail in YTB? These are some of the questions that countless people, including YTB RTAs, YTB REPs and YTB prospects ponder each and every day.
Probably 99% of the time when the YTB business model is shared, it is testimonies about people who are experiencing unheard of successes in business that is mainly shared. I must admit, I do the same thing. I love to share with others about the first cruise I booked for 15 passengers, where I received nearly $2,500 in commission, or the first YTB Travel FAM Trip that I took where I spent five days at a luxurious Sandals Resort in Jamaica, and paid only $99 total. I love talking about getting my monthly fee reimbursed after being in the business for only one month, because I had personally recruited six people... or what about those $1,000 bonuses that we started receiving after only five months in the business? These are the stories... and mind you, they are all true... that YTB loves to share. Why? Because these are the stories that inspire, encourage, motivate and help people who dream of a better reality for themselves and their families.
How motivated would you be if I told you that some people join YTB and never make a dime? Or what if I said, many people join YTB and never get a booking on their website or even take a trip themselves... let alone take advantage of "travel agent only" discounted rates. Still, these are also the realities. There are both unbelievably successful people in YTB just as there are unbelievable failures. The difference in the two has nothing to do with whether or not you join YTB with a leg up -- such as being a tenured network marketer with a huge list or having worked as a travel professional in a past life. The difference is in one word. It begins with a "C". Commitment. Those who succeed in YTB have one thing in common: their committment to SUCCESS in YTB!
YTB is not a difficult business. In fact, it may be it's simplicity that causes some to fail. I say this because I'm reminded of a story found in 2 Kings 5:1 - 14 where Naaman, the commander of the Syrian army was very great man who was also a leper. When the King of Syria learned that there was a prophet named Elisha who could cure Naaman, he requested his help. Elisha sent Naaman a letter telling him to go and wash in the Jordan seven times and he would be healed. Now anyone would think that with simple instructions like this, surely, that very day, Naaman's skin was a fresh and new as that of a newborn baby. One would think, but one would be wrong. As the story goes, Naaman, instead of leaping for joy, got angry because the prophet had not come to him and worked the "theatrics" that Naaman envisioned would be necessary for such a healing. Plus, he thought, why should he bypass the other "cleaner" rivers, to go and wash in the dirty Jordan? He had a little case of egoitis, and it nearly cost him his life... that was, until his servants gave him a reality check, pointing out that if he had been instructed to do something more difficult he would have done it, but because he was given simple instructions, he didn't want to follow them.
This, I believe, is the problem that some people have with YTB. Most are given simple instructions when they join: 1. Make a list of people you know who will potentially either be your clients or your business partners. 2. Schedule your grand opening. Keep it simple and duplicatable. Use the DVD to share the business and don't serve a lot of food. Keep the main thing the MAIN thing. 3. Invite your guests, let your PowerTeam leader close for you... build your business. 4. Stay plugged in by listening to conference calls and attending meetings, at least once weekly. Simple instructions. So why is it that so many don't follow them? Perhaps, if we manufactured some kind of "rocket scientist's" outline for them to follow, they would.
What I've found is that there is something about network marketing company businesses that bring out people who are often not so serious about doing what it takes to build a business as they are about getting rich quick. YTB, amongst all network marketing companies certainly has the goods to enable one to get rich. It's the "quick" that is often deceptive.
Yes, there are some who have gone, literally from rags to riches, in a mere few months and definitely within a few years in YTB. YTB Travel and Cruises and the YTB Travel Network is only a seven year old company, and there are quite a few people who are millionaires. We have a Circle of Champions who have, within a 12 month period, each earned at least $1 million. There are countless others who have, over the period of 3 or 4 years, certainly made at least $1 million... probably more. But that's not the norm. The norm is that it takes consistency: consistently staying plugged in, consistently talking to people you meet about the business, consistently sharing the opportunity and consistenly using the product...over a period of time before reaching the status of attaining the kind of wealth that many are seeking. Think about it: It takes about four years to get a bachelor's degree. Why would anyone think that they can join a network marketing company... a completely new industry for most, and in a mere few days, weeks or months be able to master techniques that it takes years of study, learning and practice for most to learn? Many refuse to spend any time studying or even learning about the industry.
My conclusion is that YTB Travel is not the problem. If you study our comp plan, you will see that it is incomparable to any network marketing plan in existence. First, it is copyrighted, so it can never be legally duplicated. It has a Bill of Rights that is legally binding, preventing the owners from ever changing the plan. It is front-loaded with bonuses from $1,000 to $1,000,000, and though it appears at first glance to be small, it has a serious residual income. It has no qualifing, no timelines, no chargebacks, no quotas and no demotions. And best of all? It pays at every level no matter how wide or how deep your team becomes. YTB even has a $6,000 Guarantee Program that is connected to its "Success From Home" magazine program! With this program, if you follow it and hand out only 25 magazines a month that you document, even if NOBODY joins your business -- which is highly unlikely -- you'll walk away after 12 qualifying months, with a $6,000 check!
In addition to all this, when you join YTB, you have your very own personal online travel booking engine, powered by Travelocity! Hotels.com provides the hotel inventory. Practically every major vendor, with few exceptions, for airline tickets, car rentals, cruises and vacations are part of your inventory, yet you never have anything to buy, stock, story or warehouse. Yes, the YTB Travel Biz Comp Plan and the business as a whole is nothing less than outstanding. Our success doesn't depend on YTB. It depends on us.
My husband and I have been in YTB Travel & Cruises for nearly two years. In that time, we've had our share of both the successes and the failures. The successes we attribute to YTB Travel because we have more than enough marketing tools, strategies and techniques both provided by the company and by our leaders. The failures, in all honesty. I attribute to our sometimes laziness and other times, just failing to follow the simplicity of the system. Network marketing is all about duplication and following a system because systems ARE duplicatable.
In our TEAM in particular, we have some of the best, most adept Internet and traditional marketing specialists and graphic designers in the industry, and they make their skills available to every member of the TEAM. My husband, Prince, through his graphic and web design company PrincelyDesigns.com, provides YTB teams all around the country with creative and beautifully crafted marketing tools. He has templates on his site, or you can request to have your marketing tools customized.
In YTB Travel, no matter what, there will always be success stories and stories of people who joined YTB Travel, who are abject failures. One only needs to ask himself or herself "WHY?". Answered honestly, most will have to admit that YTB Travel provided untold opportunities for success; they, however, in their laziness, fear, refusal to follow instructions or desire to "get rich quick", often opted for failure.
Regina Osei is a successful mentor and coach who teaches her YTB Team members and other business owners how to succeed in business and how to market their businesses using diverse strategies and approaches both online and offline. If you are interested in starting your own online travel business and want the benefit of a mentor who is committed to your success, join our team today at http://regina.vacationmedia.net. If you have questions, e-mail me at: reginaosei@gmail.com or call 901-221-1630(1)
1 comment:
Jambo (Hello) Regina
This was a great post! My business partner and I do a Internet radio show www.blogtalkradio.com/homebasebusiness101 On Monday nights our show is YOU CAN'T WIN IF YOU DON'T PLUG IN! It airs at 7pm EST. The key to success in YTB is PLUGGING IN. Also the other key is what I call the key to life: GOD first, Family second then business. People must put GOD in this business with them if they want it to work for them. Coach says "if it ain't right don't do it and if it ain't so don't say it" So we have to do what is right for the Greatness of YTB to work for us. To the people reading this blog just remember it works if you work it! Simple but so true!
Peace & Blessings
Baba Jahi
GOD Bless everyone reading this!
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