When deciding what business to do, two considerations should be: 1. the support system and 2. the marketing tools provided by the company. The Your Travel Biz is strong in both arenas. The company offers unlimited support via its multifaceted and supportive infrastructure, and the marketing tools are, without controversy, outstanding.
YTB’s Support System
One of the first things that I noticed after joining YTB in 2006 was the support system that the company has in place. First, the company has a dynamic team of over 300 people working in the corporate offices in Wood River, IL who provide support via phone for about 14 hours a day, 5 or 6 days a week for both the travel and the marketing sides of the business. In addition, there are teams of accountants and legal staff available by phone and support ticket (found in the back office) who readily respond to suggestions, questions and concerns.
But that’s only part of the equation. YTB, as a network marketing company, is structured in TEAMS. Why? Because TEAMWORK makes the DREAM WORK! As someone is sponsored into a TEAM, they are supported by they’re new Power Team leader or by their sponsor or both. In many cases, it’s both.
What does this support look like? Well, in our TEAM, support is provided through our weekly “Keepin’ It Real” conference calls. On these calls we talk about issues that concern team-members, we brainstorm and share strategies, we role play scenarios and we discuss marketing tools, tips and ideas. We also work as a team to ensure that whether we are the sponsor, sponsor’s sponsor or the PowerTeam leader if someone in our TEAM calls, we’re available for advice, three-ways, travel parties or suggestions.
YTB’s Marketing Tools
There is no question that marketing is very critical in any business building enterprise. In the Your Travel Biz, we take business building and marketing very seriously. Immediately after you purchase your YTB online travel store, you receive the first marketing tool needed to promote, market and begin advertising your business, the Your Travel Biz marketing website. This site, one of more than seven that you automatically receive with your business, has a lot of information on it including a YTB company video, information about the YTB Comp Plan and Disclosure Statement, information about the Company Founders, J. Lloyd Tomer, Scott Tomer and J.Kim Sorensen, YTB Events, YTB Conference Calls and YTB International Investor information. On your marketing website you also have the link to book travel and the Deals and Steals form that allows your customers to sign up to receive travel specials in their Email inboxes weekly.
This is only the beginning of the list of information and marketing tools and resources available to you in YTB. In your back office, you will also find a host of tools including the YTB Success From Home magazine program that offers a $6000 guarantee, the Circle of Champions videos that tell the stories of 12 YTB Directors who all earned upwards of $1 million dollars in a 12-month period, Leaders Bulletins, The Coach’s Playbook and many other outstanding marketing tools that can be used to successfully build your YTB Travel business. Finally, visit www.princelydesigns.com if you want to get fliers, postcards, car magnets, business cards for your business. You can order from one of the templates there or you can customize your own unique design.
The Your Travel Biz clearly does not take shortcuts when it comes to the serious business of “business building.” The support system and marketing tools that YTB provides to new business owners are second to none. If you are considering a home-based business, look for one that provides the infrastructure, system and tools you need to build your business at the level you desire.
Regina Osei is a successful mentor and coach who teaches her YTB Team members and other business owners how to succeed in business and how to market their businesses using diverse strategies and approaches both online and offline. If you are interested in starting your own online travel business and want the benefit of a mentor who is committed to your success, join our team today at http://regina.vacationmedia.net. If you have questions, e-mail me at: reginaosei@gmail.com or call 901-221-1630(1)
Friday, June 27, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Solve Your High Gas Prices Problem! Don't Let Rising Gas Prices Get You Down!

Are you one of the millions of Americans who has been struggling to pay your house note, only to now have to worry about high gas prices? Are high gas prices getting you down? Is the threat of rising gas prices frightening you? The real question is not IF it's a problem, but WHAT are you going to do about it?
It's no secret that the threat of rising gas prices is hurting millions of working American families. And if you're not working, you may have an even greater problem. The solutions that the politicians are suggesting are riddled with questions. Will it work? How long will it take to work? Can we depend on it? Well, no matter what the government comes up with, the bottom line is that you cannot leave your life in their hands. You've got to invest in your own future and take control of your own life. ]If your next question is, "How?" Consider getting yourself a PLAN B because Plan A, the plan you've been working on all your adult life, just won't cut it anymore.
But more than this, you DESERVE more. You deserve a life that will allow you not only to live comfortably and have abundance yourself, but also to have enough to share with others. You deserve to be able to travel and see the world and enjoy life without a strain. If you want these things, maybe you should consider YTB Travel, because YTB can give it to you. But don't take my word for it. Check it out and see it for yourself.
My family and I instituted our Plan B about two years ago. A friend of mine and I were working in the real estate field when she was introduced to a business opportunity with YTB Travel. She told me that this business allowed her to travel wholesale, earn a 60% commission on all her travels as well as any travel booked on her website, and be able to even write off her vacations! This sounded almost too good to be true, but since I love to travel, and I have traveled a lot in my lifetime and wanted to travel more, from the very beginning I liked it. Still, I resisted getting involved because I had been in another business that I did nothing with, and I didn't want to throw away anymore money. I am so thankful that she didn't allow my resistance to deter her. About a month later, I joined the company and I can honestly say, I've never been happier. YTB Travel is a top notch company. There are others with a lower entry fee, but I understand business and I understand that you get what you pay for. I did my due dilligence to check out the company, and I am absolutely convinced that my husband and I made the absolute best choice, and I would not change anything.
To find out more about YTB Travel, feel free to view our presentation here and here.
In nearly two years time, my husband and I have built a team that spans this nation. To ensure that we are able to connect with all our teammembers, we host weekly meetings via conference calls. The focus of these calls is training, motivation and support. We teach you how to build. maintain and sustain your business by using the strategies and tools that we and others in YTB have found to be successful. What do we require in return? COMMITMENT. If you are committed, we are committed to help you succeed. All you need to do is to stay plugged in and follow the YTB system. The good news is that we help you tailor the system to fit your individual schedule and needs.
Don't let the high gas prices, and the rate in which gas prices are rising get you down. There are other options available to help you and your family to take the edge off!**********************************************************
Regina Osei is a successful mentor and coach who teaches her YTB Team members and other business owners how to succeed in business and how to market their businesses using diverse strategies and approaches both online and offline. If you are interested in starting your own online travel business and want the benefit of a mentor who is committed to your success, join our team today at http://regina.vacationmedia.net. If you have questions, e-mail me at: reginaosei@gmail.com or call 901-221-1630(1)
hige gas prices,
rising gas prices,
YTB Travel
Monday, June 23, 2008

YTB Travel has moved up in the long awated Travel Weekly 2008 Power List! One year ago, it was big news that YTB was on the Travel Weekly 2007 Power List in the 35th place, but one year later, YTB has moved up nine places from its previous ranking into the 26th spot! This is GREAT NEWS for YTB and for our clients. It only substantiates the fact that YTB is a serious player in the online travel industry, and YTB International is here to stay!
The Travel Weekly article went into detail about some of the challenges YTB faced in 2007, including the loss of YTB's IATA status and having Royal Caribbean Cruiselines refuse to do business with YTB RTAs because of the Company's network marketing business model. This made the fact that the article also listed some of YTB's most prominent accomplishments for 2007 even more astounding. Some of these accomplishments include:
* $414.5 million in sales that YTB had in 2007
* YTB was admitted as a member of the Direct Selling Association
* More than 10,000 attendees (up from 3,200 in the previous year) at the August 2007 national convention
* YTB launched operations in the Bahamas, Bermuda and Canada
For more information about the 2007 accomplishments of YTB be sure to read the Travel Weekly Power List found here:YTB in 26th Place in Travel Weekly's Power List 2008.
Regina Osei is a successful mentor and coach who teaches her YTB Team members and other business owners how to succeed in business and how to market their businesses using diverse strategies and approaches both online and offline. If you are interested in starting your own online travel business and want the benefit of a mentor who is committed to your success, join our team today at http://regina.vacationmedia.net. If you have questions, e-mail me at: reginaosei@gmail.com or call 901-221-1630(1)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Passport Book –vs- Passport Card: Which Do You Need?

U.S. Citizens are facing a travel choice, that for some seems more like a dilemma: "Do they need a passport? If so, should they get a passport book or passport card? Which is better?" Even with gas prices hovering at $4 and $5 a gallon, people around the nation are still traveling. Summer is a prime vacation travel time, and many travelers have plans to travel overseas, on tours and on cruises that will take them into foreign ports of call, so these are very valid questions. If you and your family have plans to travel outside the country, you want to be sure to have all your documentation ducks in a row before leaving home.
One of the first things you need to check on is U.S. passport requirements. This year, travelers have a choice. They can choose between getting a passport card or a passport book. As a YTB Travel Referring Travel Agent, it is my delight to help you navigate these waters and make the best decision for you and your family.
First you need to understand what the differences are. Use the information below to help you determine which option best suits your needs.
Valid for travel by air, sea or land
Validity:• 10 years for adults
• 5 years for minors
5” x 3 ½” (when unopened)
Cost for first time applicants:
• $100 for adults
• $85 for minors
Cost for U.S. Passport book renewal:
• $75 for adults
Not for travel by air. Valid for land and sea
crossings between the U.S. and Canada,
Mexico, Bermuda and the Caribbean only.
Validity:• 10 years for adults
• 5 years for minors
Wallet size
Cost for first time applicants:• $45 for adults
• $35 for minors
Cost for U.S. Passport book holders:• $20 for adults
If you apply for both documents at the same time, the cost for first time applicants is: Adults: $120 and Minors: $95
As you can see by the information above, while both cards are similar and have advantages, there are a few major differences:
1. Only the passport book can be used for travel by air; the passport card cannot. The passport card is restricted to land and sea travel.
2. The passport book can be used to travel worldwide. This is not the case with the passport card because it can only be used for travel to the Caribbean, Mexico, Bermuda, and Canada.
3. A major difference is the cost. The cost for getting a new or renewal passport book costs considerably more that the cost off getting a passport card.
For additional information about passports and to apply, visit:
Regina's YTB Travel Website, EZ4U Travel & Tours
The US Government Passport website
Regina Osei is a successful mentor and coach who teaches her YTB Team members and other business owners how to succeed in business and how to market their businesses using diverse strategies and approaches both online and offline. If you are interested in starting your own online travel business and want the benefit of a mentor who is committed to your success, join our team today at http://regina.vacationmedia.net. If you have questions, e-mail me at: reginaosei@gmail.com or call 901-221-1630(1)
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

BARAK OBAMA HAS CLINCHED DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION! Even now, Hillary is still hanging on! What POSSIBLY could Obama and Clinton have in common? Keep reading....
I am an AMERICAN, and as an American Citizen who has lived outside the country (I lived in Ghana located in West Africa for four years), I am very thankful and grateful to be an American. As a Black American and a Democrat to boot, I am so very proud to know that Sen. Barak Obama has TODAY, clinched the Democratic nomination for President of the United States of America. What a wonderful day this is!
This year has been like no other, and I can honestly say that I have been engaged in watching, supporting and participating in the primary campaigns like never before! My television practically stays on CNN News or MSNBC Headline News because these two stations are known as America’s Election Headquarters and provide relentless election coverage. But what does all this have to do with Senators Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton and YTB Travel? You’d be surprised.
One thing that I have noticed as I’ve watched the election coverage of these two candidates (with Obama now being the presumptive nominee for the Democratic Party), is that Obama is appealing because of his being a “change agent”, and Clinton is appealing because of her tenacity. Barak, by his very personhood (his mixed African and White American heritage, his international upbring and his accomplishments of being the first person of African-American heritage to become president of the Harvard Law Review) exemplifies CHANGE. Hillary is fierce contender on every front. One must respect her "no holds barred", "never call it quits" attitude. No matter the odds against her or the challenges that face her, she simply does not and will not quit, and even in losing (which in all our lives is sometimes inevitable), she does so as a winner. These characteristics are not only true of the candidates, but these characteristics also characterize YTB Travel and Cruises and the YTB Travel Network.
YTB As A Change Agent: YTB was founded in 2001. It was a time of change. Travel bookings were moving from the traditional travel agent who worked out of brick and mortar facilities to the Internet. YTB capitalized on this trend by establishing a turnkey, home-based online travel business that allowed ordinary people like you and me, to join the business and with very little training, be able to encourage our family, friends and others who would be booking travel online anyway, to book their trips on our websites so that WE earn the commissions. This was BRILLIANT! But YTB didn’t stop there. YTB incorporated not only typical travel related products on the websites, but also non-traditional products that relate to travel like: a Honeymoon Registry, a Golf enthusiasts site, a site specifically for people who are Outdoors enthusiasts and even a site where you can buy a new or used car! But the real innovation was when YTB decided that its chosen marketing tool would be the business owners themselves -- by word of mouth -- they introduced something that was virtually unheard of in the travel industry. At least, if it had been tried before -- the network marketing aspect -- YTB was the first to incorporate MLM into the travel business and do so SUCCESSFULLY. Similar to Sen. Obama, YTB is never satisfied with the status quo. Obama says that we’re turning the page as Americans, from the old politics of the past. YTB is also perpetually turning the page from the old ways of doing business.
YTB also instituted change in MLM by being the first and the best in a number of other arenas, namely:
1. YTB guarantees your success with its $6000 Guarantee "Success From Home" Magazine Program!
2. YTB pays out bonuses from $1,000 to $1,000,000 (a first in MLM)!
3. YTB has a Bill of Rights that ensures that it will never change its Copyrighted Comp Plan!
YTB As A Tenacious and Fierce Contender: It is no surprise that YTB has suffered a lot of blows. As a front-runner in the industry as in the political arena, you are a target. YTB has been targeted for destruction by traditional travel agents (TTAs) and by other “Johnny-come-lately" travel companies. These groups have tried “operation Swift Boat”, “the kitchen sink strategy”, you name it… it has been done to YTB. TTAs started petitions against YTB to try and close us down completely. Why? In the case of the traditional travel agents, they do so simply because of our chosen marketing tool. YTB Travel chooses to PAY PEOPLE on a referral basis for rather than paying millions and even billions of dollars to advertising companies. In the case of those “other” travel companies, it’s simply an issue of competitive jealousy. What they don't seem to understand is that there is no absolute competitor to YTB because there are many aspects of the YTB Travel Network that are simply unduplicated. Still, they fight us. With all this, YTB has refused to close shop, shut down or get out. YTB even lost its IATA/IATAN accreditation, but thank God, this didn't stop YTB. In fact, we didn't skip a beat. YTB RTAs can still book travel and receive commissions, AND travel at discounted rates. Instead of these things hurting YTB, we have only grown stronger and better. We know how to "take a lickin' and keep on tickin'! YTB Travel has also continued to innovate by offering more products and services that benefit both our customers and future potential YTB Travel Network Business Partners. The struggles we've faced have only sharpened us and now as always, YTB stands heads and tails above the rest.
Tonight, Sen. Barak Obama made history as the first African American to win the Democratic nomination. Hillary Clinton also made history as a female candidate, who by all standards, ran harder, further and longer than any other candidate. She is to be applauded. With all the buzz about this campaign, without a doubt, this has been a remarkable Democratic Primary! YTB Travel is making history too. Some believe that Obama and Clinton would be a Dream Ticket. Whether or not this will be the case, here’s a real Dream Ticket for you: YTB Travel & Cruises and the YTB Travel Network . If you are looking for a real business that has a very low start-up fee, unbelievably low monthly overhead, franchise-like support and a compensation plan that can absolutely revolutionize your financial life, you cannot miss with YTB. YTB Travel is the perfect formula for a solid home-based business operation. YTB offers all you need to be successful in business. As your TEAM LEADER, I will offer you the kind of support, tools and strategies that will help you build a solid and sustainable business whether your choice is to market it online, offline or both. Join YTB Today!
Regina Osei is a successful mentor and coach who teaches her YTB Team members and other business owners how to succeed in business and how to market their businesses using diverse strategies and approaches both online and offline. If you are interested in starting your own online travel business and want the benefit of a mentor who is committed to your success, join our team today at http://regina.vacationmedia.net. If you have questions, e-mail me at: reginaosei@gmail.com or call 901-221-1630(1)
Looking for LEADS to Build YOUR Business?

If you're in an MLM business, you know that when you run out of leads, you're virtually out of business. But buying leads is not the answer. 90% of the leads you buy are bad. Trust me, I've bought my fair share and I know. So... once you've shared your business with your warm market what do you do? How do you continue to generate leads? The best way is online because on the Internet, you are exposed to literally MILLIONS of people!
A friend of mine told me about a lead generation program that she had been using to generate leads for her YTB business. She gets TONS of leads from it daily. With this program, you don't need to know anything about SEO or keywords or any of these things. And what you do need to know, they teach you. But best of all, they do the work for you... for only a penny a day! That's right, for only $3.65 a year, you can join. The program launches TONIGHT to the public via a webinar. It will help you advertise and promote your YTB (or any other business for that matter) and generate your own leads for only a penny a day!
Unfortunately, you missed the webinar, but if you use the link below, you can still join this awesome program at only a PENNY a day ($3.65 a year)is:
Regina Osei is a successful mentor and coach who teaches her YTB Team members and other business owners how to succeed in business and how to market their businesses using diverse strategies and approaches both online and offline. If you are interested in starting your own online travel business and want the benefit of a mentor who is committed to your success, join our team today at http://regina.vacationmedia.net. If you have questions, e-mail me at: reginaosei@gmail.com or call 901-221-1630(1)
Sunday, June 1, 2008
YTB Travel Success; YTB Travel Failure

Tonight as I listened to Team Vision's Sunday night conference call, I was awed by the phenomenal testimonies about people who became Level 1 Directors after only 11 months of being in YTB, of people who worked the business one day a week for two hours and earned TWO $10,000 bonuses. As I listened, I could feel my pulse quickening and my heart racing, as my thoughts darted through my mind. What would I do tomorrow, the next day or the next, to ensure my family's success in the YTB Travel Network? Was success as simple and easy as those on the call made it sound? If it is, why do so many fail in YTB? These are some of the questions that countless people, including YTB RTAs, YTB REPs and YTB prospects ponder each and every day.
Probably 99% of the time when the YTB business model is shared, it is testimonies about people who are experiencing unheard of successes in business that is mainly shared. I must admit, I do the same thing. I love to share with others about the first cruise I booked for 15 passengers, where I received nearly $2,500 in commission, or the first YTB Travel FAM Trip that I took where I spent five days at a luxurious Sandals Resort in Jamaica, and paid only $99 total. I love talking about getting my monthly fee reimbursed after being in the business for only one month, because I had personally recruited six people... or what about those $1,000 bonuses that we started receiving after only five months in the business? These are the stories... and mind you, they are all true... that YTB loves to share. Why? Because these are the stories that inspire, encourage, motivate and help people who dream of a better reality for themselves and their families.
How motivated would you be if I told you that some people join YTB and never make a dime? Or what if I said, many people join YTB and never get a booking on their website or even take a trip themselves... let alone take advantage of "travel agent only" discounted rates. Still, these are also the realities. There are both unbelievably successful people in YTB just as there are unbelievable failures. The difference in the two has nothing to do with whether or not you join YTB with a leg up -- such as being a tenured network marketer with a huge list or having worked as a travel professional in a past life. The difference is in one word. It begins with a "C". Commitment. Those who succeed in YTB have one thing in common: their committment to SUCCESS in YTB!
YTB is not a difficult business. In fact, it may be it's simplicity that causes some to fail. I say this because I'm reminded of a story found in 2 Kings 5:1 - 14 where Naaman, the commander of the Syrian army was very great man who was also a leper. When the King of Syria learned that there was a prophet named Elisha who could cure Naaman, he requested his help. Elisha sent Naaman a letter telling him to go and wash in the Jordan seven times and he would be healed. Now anyone would think that with simple instructions like this, surely, that very day, Naaman's skin was a fresh and new as that of a newborn baby. One would think, but one would be wrong. As the story goes, Naaman, instead of leaping for joy, got angry because the prophet had not come to him and worked the "theatrics" that Naaman envisioned would be necessary for such a healing. Plus, he thought, why should he bypass the other "cleaner" rivers, to go and wash in the dirty Jordan? He had a little case of egoitis, and it nearly cost him his life... that was, until his servants gave him a reality check, pointing out that if he had been instructed to do something more difficult he would have done it, but because he was given simple instructions, he didn't want to follow them.
This, I believe, is the problem that some people have with YTB. Most are given simple instructions when they join: 1. Make a list of people you know who will potentially either be your clients or your business partners. 2. Schedule your grand opening. Keep it simple and duplicatable. Use the DVD to share the business and don't serve a lot of food. Keep the main thing the MAIN thing. 3. Invite your guests, let your PowerTeam leader close for you... build your business. 4. Stay plugged in by listening to conference calls and attending meetings, at least once weekly. Simple instructions. So why is it that so many don't follow them? Perhaps, if we manufactured some kind of "rocket scientist's" outline for them to follow, they would.
What I've found is that there is something about network marketing company businesses that bring out people who are often not so serious about doing what it takes to build a business as they are about getting rich quick. YTB, amongst all network marketing companies certainly has the goods to enable one to get rich. It's the "quick" that is often deceptive.
Yes, there are some who have gone, literally from rags to riches, in a mere few months and definitely within a few years in YTB. YTB Travel and Cruises and the YTB Travel Network is only a seven year old company, and there are quite a few people who are millionaires. We have a Circle of Champions who have, within a 12 month period, each earned at least $1 million. There are countless others who have, over the period of 3 or 4 years, certainly made at least $1 million... probably more. But that's not the norm. The norm is that it takes consistency: consistently staying plugged in, consistently talking to people you meet about the business, consistently sharing the opportunity and consistenly using the product...over a period of time before reaching the status of attaining the kind of wealth that many are seeking. Think about it: It takes about four years to get a bachelor's degree. Why would anyone think that they can join a network marketing company... a completely new industry for most, and in a mere few days, weeks or months be able to master techniques that it takes years of study, learning and practice for most to learn? Many refuse to spend any time studying or even learning about the industry.
My conclusion is that YTB Travel is not the problem. If you study our comp plan, you will see that it is incomparable to any network marketing plan in existence. First, it is copyrighted, so it can never be legally duplicated. It has a Bill of Rights that is legally binding, preventing the owners from ever changing the plan. It is front-loaded with bonuses from $1,000 to $1,000,000, and though it appears at first glance to be small, it has a serious residual income. It has no qualifing, no timelines, no chargebacks, no quotas and no demotions. And best of all? It pays at every level no matter how wide or how deep your team becomes. YTB even has a $6,000 Guarantee Program that is connected to its "Success From Home" magazine program! With this program, if you follow it and hand out only 25 magazines a month that you document, even if NOBODY joins your business -- which is highly unlikely -- you'll walk away after 12 qualifying months, with a $6,000 check!
In addition to all this, when you join YTB, you have your very own personal online travel booking engine, powered by Travelocity! Hotels.com provides the hotel inventory. Practically every major vendor, with few exceptions, for airline tickets, car rentals, cruises and vacations are part of your inventory, yet you never have anything to buy, stock, story or warehouse. Yes, the YTB Travel Biz Comp Plan and the business as a whole is nothing less than outstanding. Our success doesn't depend on YTB. It depends on us.
My husband and I have been in YTB Travel & Cruises for nearly two years. In that time, we've had our share of both the successes and the failures. The successes we attribute to YTB Travel because we have more than enough marketing tools, strategies and techniques both provided by the company and by our leaders. The failures, in all honesty. I attribute to our sometimes laziness and other times, just failing to follow the simplicity of the system. Network marketing is all about duplication and following a system because systems ARE duplicatable.
In our TEAM in particular, we have some of the best, most adept Internet and traditional marketing specialists and graphic designers in the industry, and they make their skills available to every member of the TEAM. My husband, Prince, through his graphic and web design company PrincelyDesigns.com, provides YTB teams all around the country with creative and beautifully crafted marketing tools. He has templates on his site, or you can request to have your marketing tools customized.
In YTB Travel, no matter what, there will always be success stories and stories of people who joined YTB Travel, who are abject failures. One only needs to ask himself or herself "WHY?". Answered honestly, most will have to admit that YTB Travel provided untold opportunities for success; they, however, in their laziness, fear, refusal to follow instructions or desire to "get rich quick", often opted for failure.
Regina Osei is a successful mentor and coach who teaches her YTB Team members and other business owners how to succeed in business and how to market their businesses using diverse strategies and approaches both online and offline. If you are interested in starting your own online travel business and want the benefit of a mentor who is committed to your success, join our team today at http://regina.vacationmedia.net. If you have questions, e-mail me at: reginaosei@gmail.com or call 901-221-1630(1)
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